Thursday, October 29, 2009

News Brentwood Dieters Can Use

Recently, there's been a lot of press about the importance of lifestyle changes for those with the diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Many of the stories have to do with preventing, reversing or managing Type 2 diabetes.

The Los Angeles Times ran several stories on diabetes in its health section on October 26, 2009. One article showcased lifestyle strategies of diabetics who successfully managed their conditions enough to reduce or eliminate insulin and medications. One patient went on a low-carb diet, a la the Brentwood Diet.

Another LA Times' article talked about the doctor-patient relationship and stressed the importance of a partnership/team approach to managing diabetes. It also discussed non-compliance and the notion of being "in control" of blood sugar numbers. Sometimes patients who do everything right--diet, exercise, et cetera--still have high blood sugar readings.

A third LA Times' story mentioned a current study at USC's Keck School of Medicine about reversal of Type 2 diabetes ( through lifestyle changes. They want to know what methods patients have used to reverse their diabetes. That same piece touted the consumption of coffee, nuts, moderate alcohol and fiber to prevent the risk of diabetes.

Likewise, a U.S. News & World Report emphasized diabetes prevention. It noted that a recent study found that diet and exercise can delay the onset of diabetes in at-risk individuals for 10 years.

The good news is that Brentwood Dieters are right on track. You're doing everything in your power to manage your health.,0,7525276.story,0,3604643.story,0,6593991.story

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fill Up On Good Vibes

When it comes to your health, it's not just what you put in your mouth that matters, it's also what you put in your mind.

According to researchers, stress and holding on to negative emotions like anger, can seriously impact your health and damage your brain. Neuroscientist, Dr. Andrew Newberg, and therapist Mark Robert Waldman, both of the University of Pennsylvania, along with cardiologist, Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School, have spent years studying this phenomenon.

Apparently, one of the biggest culprits found with stress and negative emotions is the hormone, cortisol. Prolonged cortisol in the system can lead to lowered immunity, increased blood pressure, blood sugar imbalances, increased abdominal fat and other health problems.

Fortunately, just 12 minutes a day of mediation can reduce stress, anxiety and depression and may even slow the aging process, too. Yoga, journalling, deep breathing, guided imagery, deep breathing, other techniques and even yawning (who knew?) are also beneficial. Using the loving-kindness mediation to give a shout-out of love to yourself and to others--especially, to people you're having difficulties with--can reap rewards on many levels.

It seems like meditation and relaxation practices are just what the doctor ordered.